3 Greek sculptures at the Louvre (yes, Venus too)

3 Greek sculptures at the Louvre (yes, Venus too)

One of the rooms I loved while visiting the Louvre in Paris was the one dedicated to Greek sculptures. We saw the impressive works of art famous around the world! I knew them from books, but now I was very...
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The Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel in Paris

The Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel in Paris

I am pretty sure you know the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, but that what you are thinking of is the imposing monument officially called Arc de Triomphe de l’'Etoile, located in the centre of the Place Charles de Gaulle,...
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Magical Milan Cathedral

Magical Milan Cathedral

As I am working on a special article on Milan, I am also looking through my photos and I am once again conquered by this city. So, I decided to share with you today two photos of the Milan Duomo...
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Spectacular view from the airplane

Spectacular view from the airplane

Flying is an amazing experience. True, those who travel a lot with work end up unimpressed sometimes, but for the others, one or two flights per year become real attractions. And when you stumble on great views, you can consider...
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Beautiful Bicycles with flowers in Amsterdam

Beautiful Bicycles with flowers in Amsterdam

Spring is in the air, we could say, and I realized that, in a way, spring is in our hearts, in the end. In Romania we have a saying that goes something like “a flower doesn’t bring the spring”, but...
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